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Blog by Cliff Stevenson

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A Story on The Effectiveness of Twitter

I wanted to give an account of a really good example of the power of Twitter and social media in general. Twitter is a micro-blogging platform, and in Twitter, you choose to follow individuals, and those are individuals that you're wanting status updates from, and the instant information they put on Twitter.

I was following a REALTOR® by the name of Ian Watt in Vancouver, and one day Ian Watt put a post on his Twitter account that said that he had just got off the phone with a good friend, and that it was always good to catch up with Christophe Choo.

Christophe Choo is REALTOR® down in Beverly Hills, and I happened to click on his hyperlink in the Twitter post, and I followed the link to Christophe Choo's website. I was just curious to see who Christophe Choo was, as Ian had mentioned he was a good friend. So on Christophe Choo's website, it's obvious and apparent that he's a REALTOR®, he has all his listings popping up, and in the listings I see a listing map, and it occurs to me that all the listing were in Beverly Hills, and they are actually quite close to where my brother lives in West Hollywood.

My brother has been trying to get into real estate photography over the last little while, and make some connections down in his area. So I give my brother a call and suggested that he call up Christophe Choo and offer to do some work for him, and to mention the fact that I had seen information from Ian Watt's Twitter feed, and see if there were some way to connect that way.

So my brother connected with Christophe Choo and ended up doing some work for him, and it is my understanding now that they are going to have a business relationship going forward.

But it was amazing to me after this was all done to think that a guy in Calgary....can look at a post from a guy in Vancouver....and connect somebody in West Hollywood....with another individual in Beverly Hills for business. And that really spoke about the power of Twitter to me.

I think that is a great example for anybody that's considering using this type of social media.

Disclaimer: REALTOR® is a trademark owned or controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). Used under license.



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